Combat Modifiers

Rules and Resources: Our Summary of SR5e Rules

Ranged Attack Modifiers

Environmental Modifiers

Visibility Light/Glare Wind Range Modifier
Clear Full light/no glare None/light breeze Short -
Light rain/fog/smoke Partial light/weak glare Light winds Medium -1
Moderate rain/fog/smoke Dim light/moderate glare Moderate winds Long -3
Heavy rain/fog/smoke Total darkness/blinding glare Strong winds Extreme -6

Situational Modifiers

Situation Modifier Notes
Blind fire -6
Firing from a moving vehicle -2
Attacker in melee combat -3
Attacker running -2
Attacker using offhand weapon -2
Attacker firing from cover with imaging device -3
Attacker wounded -Wound penalties
Recoil -Cumulative recoil

Melee Attack Modifiers

Positive Modifiers

Situation Modifier Notes
Charge attack +2 Made when attacker is running, ignore the normal -2 from running
Character has superior position +2 At GMs discretion (e.g. Attacking from behind or above/from better footing etc.)
Opponent prone +1
Touch only attack +2 Touch only attacks do not benefit from net hits
Friends in melee +1

Negative Modifiers

Situation Modifier Notes
Attacker prone -1
Attacker using offhand weapon -2
Environmental modifiers As above Only light and visibility, ignore if affecting attacker and defender equally
Attacker wounded -Wound penalties

Defence Modifiers

Positive Modifiers

Situation Modifier Notes
Defender inside moving vehicle +3
Defender has longer reach +1 per net reach Melee only
Defender receiving a charge +1 Delayed action
Defender running +2
Defender sprinting +4
Partial cover +2 >25% but <50%, Ranged attacks/Indirect spells
Good cover +4 >50%, Ranged attacks/Indirect spells

Negative Modifiers

Situation Modifier Notes
Defender prone -2 Melee + Ranged within 5m
Attacker has longer reach -1 per net reach Melee only
Defender in melee -3
Defender wounded -Wound penalties