
Shadowrun UK: An SR5e game set in the UK
Name Title Metatype C L Notes Player
Amber Nicholson Ork 1 2 Fish Market Stallholder Hash
Angela Ziegler Black Tag Elf 2 5 Street Doc Smith
Chris Smith Card Shark Troll 4 2 Gambler Loki
Dominic Sharpe Human 3 3 University of Cambridge Professor Jack
Elle Sashwan Human 2 3 Gunshop Owner Sanguine
Frank Richards Dwarf Scrapyard Owner
Helen Poole Human 3 2 (Jack), 1 (Sanguine) Screaming Barons Lieutenant Jack, Sanguine
Herman Langston Kwack Human 2 1 Street Doc Pascal
Holly Kendrick Elf 4 2 (Jack), 1 (Loki) ‘The Kindled Flame’ Bar Owner Jack
Isaak Wendland Human Pascal’s Father, Genetics Professor Pascal
Lionel Cartwright Haematoma Troll 6 1 Mafia Boss Pascal
Marc MacPhairce Troll 2 3 Physical Forger Jack
Natalie James Ghoul (Human)
Ramsey Farmer Gear Monkey Troll 4 2 Mechanic Loki
Seb Stephens Polecat Ork 2 5 (Jack), 3 (Pascal) Adept, Anarchist Jack, Pascal
Taylor Hamilton Troll 3 4 Fixer Loki
Checkmate Human
Dantee Human 3 4 NeoNET IT Security Hash
Dax 4 3 Technomancer Mentor Sanguine
Del-Boy Human 4 2 Arms Dealer Smith
Halberd Troll 4 Screaming Barons Leader
Mr. Carrotz Human 3 1 Talismonger
Papa Dwarf 4 2 Fish Market Leader
Rex 1 1 Matrix Forger Hash
Sonny Dwarf 4 2 Souppe Kitchen Leader
Varnish Elf 3 3 Fence Pascal

Connection Rolls

Proficiency Roll
High 12 + Connection
Medium 9 + Connection
Low 6 + Connection

Knowledge Tests

Services and Favours

Rating Classification Examples
1 Minor Deliver a message to someone. Provide access to a low-level restricted area such as an airport boarding area or police station
2 Low Risk Loan use of specialized equipment up to £5,000 in value. Corporate action requiring the signature of a first-line supervisor
3 Medium Provide access to a mid-level restricted area, such as a standard corporate research lab
4 Moderate Risk Loan use of specialized equipment up to £50,000 in value. Corporate action requiring the signature of a middle manager
5 Serious Provide access to a high-level restricted area, such as FBI offices, AA megacorporate headquarters, or AAA regional headquarters
6 Major Risk Loan use of specialized equipment up to £500,000 in value. Corporate action requiring the signature of a senior manager or junior executive

Connection Rating Table

Rating Description
1 Virtually no social influence; useful only for their Knowledge skills
2 Has one or two friends with some Knowledge skills, or some minor social influence
3 Has a few friends, but not a lot of social influence
4 Knows several people in a neighbourhood; a borough mayor or a gang leader
5 Knows several people and has a moderate degree of social influence; a city councilman or a low-level executive it a small-to-medium corporation
6 Known and connected across his state; a city/sprawl mayor or governor, notable fixer, or a mid-level executive in a medium-sized corporation
7 Knows a lot of people over a large area, and has considerable social influence; often holds a leadership position in a national corporation
8 Well-connected across a multi-state region; an executive in a state government or a national corporation
9 Well-connected on his own continent, with considerable social influence; a mid-level executive in a small national government or AA megacorporation
10 Well-connected worldwide, with significant social influence; a senior executive in a small national government or a AA megacorporation
11 Extremely well-connected worldwide, with significant social influence; mid-level executive position in a major national government or AAA megacorporation
12 Global power-player with extensive social influence; holds a key executive position in a major national government or AAA megacorporation

Loyalty Rating Table

Rating Description
1 Just Biz The relationship is purely mercenary, based solely on economics. The people involved may not even like each other, and they won’t offer any sort of preferential treatment.
2 Regular The relationship is still all business, but the parties treat each other with a modicum of mutual respect.
3 Acquaintance The people in the relationship are friendly, but calling them actual friends might be stretching it. The contact is willing to be inconvenienced in small ways for the character but won’t take a fall for him.
4 Buddy There’s actual friendship here, or at least solid mutual respect. The contact will go out of his way for the character if needed.
5 Got Your Back The parties know and trust each other, and have for some time. The contact will back the character even in risky situations.
6 Friend for Life The contact and character will go to the wall for each other, if that’s what it takes.