SWATing Up

Shadowrun UK: An SR5e game set in the UK

Friend of a Friend of a Friend

Johnson Corp Troll
Summary Infiltration + Insertion
Meet 03/07/2076 (Friday)
Legwork 03/07/2076 (Friday) – 10/04/2076 (Saturday)
Run 11/07/2076 (Saturday)
Pay £17,500 each, 8 Karma
Game Time 14/02/2019 – 11/04/2019 (6 Sessions)


03/07/2076 (Friday)

Team comes up with a plan:

04/07/2076 (Saturday)

05/07/2076 (Sunday)

06/07/2076 (Monday)

Loki begins repairing Titania (misses the pub, repairs and then passes out)

08/07/2076 (Wednesday)

11/07/2076 (Saturday)

Run expenses

Karma – 8