Session 6

Tales of Avernus: A D&D5e game about going into hell

Party continues its way to the Bandiera mansion

Eliseo gets the group past the guards at the gate to the upper city, telling them they are under orders from Deslaur

Reaching the mansion, the party approaches a small side door

Entering the mansion grounds the party is lead by Agostino around the house to the front door

Walking into the mansion

There is a voice from up the staircase and, looking up the party sees a thin, pale, middle aged man standing at the top

Inside the dining room

Gaetano wants the party to kill his mother but let him live

Upon questioning, Gaetano reveals that he doesn’t know exactly what has happened to Elturel but he does know that his mother was involved alongside her fiendish patron

Vigil reluctantly accepts the deal

Gaetano positions the body of Agostino in the chair to make it look like he is sleeping and wipes off the froth around his mouth before leaving, taking the invisible imps with him

The party discuss their plans as they wait

Curious, Vigil opens the door to the south to find a maid listening at the door

As they talk with her an invisible imp lands on Eliseo’s shoulder and hands him the Puzzle box before informing him that Gaetano has left the premises

Marco gets the maid to take him upstairs to the Duke’s study

Marco decides to check out the Duchess’ bedroom

Vigil asks the maid to lead us to the basement door and suggests she finds somewhere safe

The party heads in after, sprawled on a table is a large fluffy cat with wings

The Chef returns to the kitchen and the party hear the Maid excuse herself from the mansion

Reya takes Vigil aside and asks if he believes that Overseer really is crooked

The party moves out into the tunnel, with Eliseo scouting ahead

Session 6 Map

The party stacks up next to the double doors, Marco casting Blur before entering

Charging into the room (R5) they can see a 7ft statue of an angel with glowing eyes opposite the door

With the combat over Strum slumps to the floor exhausted, most of the party looks pretty beat up

Vigil is seething, he wanted the Duchess alive for questioning

Hayate checks that Strum is doing ok and gives the cat an ear scratch

Finally Vigil grabs his flail, looks up at the face, says, “You don’t deserve to look like that anymore” and slashes the face, which shatters like a porcelain egg

The party decide that they desperately need to rest and moves to the dining room they saw earlier to hole up in.