Session 24

Tales of Avernus: A D&D5e game about going into hell

The bodies of the zombie Hellriders fade and fizzle into ash, and the party finds themselves alone atop the hill

Marco hears a voice, and light begins to return to his vision, and touch, and he is lying, looking up at his bed frame in his quarters in Rossano Calabria, it’s warm, he is off to see Allaria, life is good, he skips down the corridor to see her

Marco splutters to life, throat torn out, Strum packing the wound, Vigil laying on hands, and Eliseo tosses down his spellbook he was sketching Marco’s lifeless corpse in (the sketch is apparently pretty decent)

In the time that’s elapsed the bodies are gone, but they notice egg-sacs growing on the spikes of the trees, that begin to peel, falling to the ground, and the beings which had pulled themselves off have re-spawned on the trees, including the elf

Marco asks if anyone knows who owned Avernus prior to Zariel (and admits to Vigil it’s because it’s with them the deal was struck)

The party hopes to get a lead from the elf

Nuriel is looking over Haruman’s body and has removed his hood and is looking at the spoiled face, dark red skin and sunken yellowed eyes, and is distraught by all this

Vigil goes up to the tree elf, who looks hopefully over at him and Vigil asks for his name: Jander

Decide that they are done here and plan to head to the Crypt

Marco flaps some dirt out of his shirt, checks his neck wound and talks to Hayate about Bel, the deal, etc. and they check his neck wound, which apparently is never going to fully heal

They sleep

They awake in the morning, the vehicles are there and the imp is fine