Session 1

Tales of Avernus: A D&D5e game about going into hell

Rossano Calabro

Open inside the city at a piazza near the Smiling Boar tavern

Eliseo (Niko) – Brown haired Spanish man

Following behind the cloaked figures is Vigil (Harrison)

By the fountain in the piazza: Hayate (Jonny) is sitting at a table

Inside the tavern, discussing Giant with a large goliath is Strum (Ross)

Up on the roof of one of the buildings, having also been following the cultists is Marco (Greg) of the Sconosciuta (scon-o-shoota) Giustizia (Jew-ste-zia)

The fight in the piazza is over quickly with the cultists dispatched with blasts of magic from Hayate and Strum

Felix offers free room and board - make use of inn

Marco and Vigil take a look at the bodies

Marco makes notes in his book

That evening Strum puts on a show in the tavern

That night Marco goes out after meditating to fight crime…

The next day Vigil heads out to get the lay of the city

General population – fairly metropolitan, people are quite decadent, but huge wealth inequality

Party heads to the Elfsong that evening as directed

Vigil heads to the bar, asks the barman about Tarina, and is told she’s upstairs

Party heads up to the 2nd floor

Eliseo approaches and asks for Tarina, a human woman with her feet on a chair, clearly drunk, turns to him and accuses him of being sent by the pirate ‘Deadeye’ to kill her

Strum attempts to gamble with her for the information, she agrees, and they play a dice game

As the game ends can hear a song start in elvish, the tavern falls silent

When it ends the halfling says that it was a different song to what she normally sings

Moments later we can hear a commotion from downstairs, someone shouting over the crowd and offering free drinks to anyone who knows where Tarina is

Vigil blocks them at the top of the stairs and a fight breaks out

Tarina flips over the table and crouches behind it aiming her crossbow

Believing the fight is in hand, Strum continues to talk to Tarina, pausing only to offer some healing to those in the combat, including Marco who went down to a bad hit

Unable to get up the stairs and with most of his men dead, Deadeye makes a run for it

They return upstairs and Tarina informs them that she has heard that there is a bathhouse owned by the Bandiera family where cultists have been seen coming and going

Vigil, who is still battered from the fight, suggests that they return the next day

Strum, Vigil, Hayate return to the Smiling Boar

Next day

Meeting back in the tavern that afternoon

The bath house is surrounded by gardens

Discussion by message with Strum, who comes out of the side room

Marco looks for any secret doors in the side room, does not spot anything but when questioned by the masseuse he confronts her

Outside Strum casts Friends and attempts to talk to the imp, persuades it that they just want to talk and offers it food