Saan’s Background

Zodiac Wheel: A D&D4e Game About a Cycle of Little Animals

山崩 (saan1 bang1)

An unwanted child of the village of 山田, Saan was abandoned shortly after birth on the slope of the mountain, outside a small, disused shrine. The spirit of the shrine took interest in the baby and rescued it. Under the spirit’s protection and teaching Saan thrived alone in the wilds. Several years after the baby had been abandoned, hunters reported spotting a grey skinned child running and laughing through the forests but despite their best efforts they were never able to catch her. Over time, contact was made between the villagers and the child of the mountain whom they named 山崩. Whilst Saan never returned to live in the village, preferring to live a semi-nomadic life on the mountain slopes, she is a regular sight there, visiting to trade for goods.

The spirit’s influence has changed Saan, her skin is a pale grey with dark, tattoo-like lines tracing a pattern across it. Standing at 7’11” and weighing in at around 300lb she towers over the local population. Her size, coupled with a strong connection to the spirit world makes her an ideal protector, defending the mountain and its spirits from threats.